
114 Movie Reviews

10 w/ Responses

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Fucking hilarious. I was a bit skeptical at first, but it all played out nicely in the end. And also.. holy shit, ouch.

Really great

Great art style, music was very enjoyable and went very well with the animation, as well as doing a great job setting the mood. I was expecting it to end differently, (as I assume was your intention), but I like how you decided to end it better. Gives us hope.


Wasn't really all that impressive, is all. Normally I wouldn't have even written anything here, but I don't understand how this is garnering straight 10's in the reviews. It was kind of cool that it was both a movie and a game, but that can really be said about most games nowadays, what with cutscenes, etc.
The animation and voice acting was average, and the gameplay was below.. it consisted of about 15 seconds of the same enemy running slowly from left to right across the screen, not shooting at you. The ending irked me a bit as well- as there wasn't really one. It just seems like it were either a lack of effort or a lack of time here.. sorry duder, not for me.


I agree with the poster below me. Madness has just gotten incredibly lame with the last few installments. The music is boring and there's nothing new and exciting going on. What you've done is taken a pretty good idea, done it well, and then just redone it again and again until it was run straight into the ground. Madness used to be one of my favorite series on Newgrounds, but now I cringe every time I see a movie with the "Madness" tag in it.

Not so great..

It was really boring and repetitive, and the animation left a lot to be desired. Was also far too cutesy for me..


Haha, awesome. I love this song. I also love the comic.. it's a shame people don't realize that you mentioned putting this on newgrounds when you updated.

You got it right on the nose..

I was wondering if anyone else saw it! Now I don't feel so warped.


You're by far my favorite artist. If you don't mind me asking, are you willing to part with the magazines, and what are they worth to you?

Sexual-Lobster responds:

thanks, but i'm sorry, i could never let them go, they mean too much to me. all those hours in the toolshed...

Oh hey, you :3

Paabo @xXBullxDozerXx

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