It was alright, I guess. It was good animation, but just not funny. Love the game, hate the flash. Sorry.
It was alright, I guess. It was good animation, but just not funny. Love the game, hate the flash. Sorry.
Pretty good
Not bad, though make it a bit more.. exciting, I guess?
Oh, and to Cire64: You are a fucking moron.
Yeah, the first episode is rather slow moving. Hope to improve that for #2 though.
Oh man.
David Firth.. you are one weird fucking dude.
Couldn't watch it.
Sorry, I couldn't sit through it. Linkin Park literally makes me wretch.
No. Linkin. Park.
Woulda got a 5. Butchya HAD to put Linkin Park in there. Great job.
Easily the best peice of flash I have ever seen. You use the 3-D vector style to its fullest. Great job.
Totally kickass.
Wow, the voiceacting makes it so much better. Mind you, I ALWAYS loved the series.. but the voices give it a certain something else.. Great job on this one, they get better every time.
^ ^
I love you.
Oh hey, you :3
Age 36, Male
Lab Star
Clark University
Joined on 11/24/03